Prof. Dr. İdiris DAĞ (Head of Department)
- Research Interests: Mathematical Algorithms
- Academical Page: YÖK Academic Page
- Avesis: Avesis Academic Page
- Personal Webpage: http://fef.ogu.edu.tr/matbil/idag/
- Phone: 6904
- Office: 341
- Detailed Information

Prof. Dr. Kemal ÖZKAN
- Research Interests:: Image Processing, Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, Recommender System
- Academical Page: YÖK Academic Page
- Avesis: Avesis Academic Page
- Personal Webpage: -
- Phone: 6903
- Office: 340
- Detailed Information

Prof. Dr. Metin ÖZKAN
- Research Interests: Robotics and Automations, Control Systems
- Academical Page: YÖK Academic Page
- Avesis: Avesis Academic Page
- Personal Webpage: http://meozkan.ogu.edu.tr/
- Phone: 6900
- Office: 344
- Detailed Information

- Research Interests: Expert Systems, Data Structure, Data Mining
- Academical Page: YÖK Academic Page
- Avesis: Avesis Academic Page
- Personal Webpage: http://web.ogu.edu.tr/egulbandilar
- Phone: 6906
- Office: 343
- Detailed Information

Prof. Dr. Ahmet YAZICI
- Research Interests: Artificial Intelligence, Optimization, Intelligent Vehicles, Mobile Robots, Control Systems
- Academical Page: YÖK Academic Page
- Avesis: Avesis Academic Page
- Personal Webpage: http://ayazici.ogu.edu.tr/
- Phone: 6905
- Office: 342
- Detailed Information

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nihat ADAR
- Research Interests: Parallel Computing, Programming, Automation
- Academical Page: YÖK Academic Page
- Avesis: Avesis Academic Page
- Personal Webpage: -
- Phone: 6902
- Office: 339
- Detailed Information

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Şahin IŞIK (Vice Chairman)
- Research Interests: Computer Vision, Machine Learning
- Academical Page: YÖK Academic Page
- Avesis: Avesis Academic Page
- Personal Webpage: -
- Phone: 6914
- Office: 334
- Detailed Information
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eyüp ÇINAR
- Research Interests: Machine Learning and Data Science, Intelligent Systems for Smart Manufacturing, Automation and Control, Fault Detection and Classification
- Academical Page: YÖK Akademic Page
- Avesis: Avesis Academic Page
- Personal Webpage: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ecinar/
- Phone: 6909
- Office: 346
- Detailed Information

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Efnan ŞORA GÜNAL
- Research Interests: Machine Learning, Pattern Recognition, Signal Processing, Text Mining, Data Analysis
- Academical Page: YÖK Academic Page
- Avesis: Avesis Academic Page
- Personal Webpage: -
- Phone: 6910
- Office: 347
- Detailed Information

Asst. Prof. Dr. Uğur GÜREL
- Research Interests: Mobile Robots, Artificial Intelligence
- Academical Page: YÖK Academic Page
- Personal Webpage: -
- Avesis: Avesis Academic Page
- Detailed Information

Asst. Prof. Dr. Esra N. YOLAÇAN
- Research Interests: Information Security, Cyber Security, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition and Data Mining
- Academical Page: YÖK Academic Page
- Avesis: Avesis Academic Page
- Personal Webpage: -
- Phone: 6916
- Office: 332
- Detailed Information

Asst. Prof. Dr. Sinem BOZKURT KESER
- Research Interests: Artificial Intelligence, Optimization Techniques, Database, Programming
- Academical Page: YÖK Academic Page
- Avesis: Avesis Academic Page
- Personal Webpage: -
- Phone: 6913
- Office: 335
- Detailed Information

Asst. Prof. Dr. Emrah ATILGAN (Vice Chairman)
- Research Interests: Artificial Intelligence, Optimization Algorithms, Data Analysis, Machine Learning, Data Mining
- Academical Page: YoK Akademic Page
- Avesis: Avesis Academic Page
- Personal Webpage: -
- Phone: 6915
- Office: 333
- Detailed Information

Asst. Prof. Dr. Yıldıray ANAGUN
- Research Interests: Deep Learning Applications on Image Processing and Machine Learning, Signal and Video Processing
- Academical Page: YÖK Academic Page
- Avesis: Avesis Academic Page
- Personal Webpage:
- Phone: 6917
- Office: 358
- Detailed Information

Asst. Prof. Dr. Zuhal CAN
- Research Interests: Querying, tracking and routing on wireless sensor networks, Federation of wireless sensor networks
- Academical Page: YÖK Academic Page
- Avesis: Avesis Academic Page
- Personal Webpage: https://web.ogu.edu.tr/zuhalcan/
- Phone: 6918
- Office: 357
- Detailed Information

Asst. Prof. Dr. Savaş OKYAY
- Research Interests: Recommender Systems, Feature Selection Applications, Machine Learning, Parallel Computing
- Academical Page: YÖK Academic Page
- Avesis: Avesis Academic Page
- Personal Webpage: https://www.linkedin.com/in/okyaysavas
- Phone: 6919
- Office: 356
- Detailed Information

Asst. Prof. Dr. Yusuf KARTAL
- Research Interests: Infotmation Security, Natural Language Processing, Artificial Intelligence
- Academical Page: YÖK Academic Page
- Avesis: Avesis Academic Page
- Personal Webpage: -
- Phone: 6911
- Office: 348
- Detailed Information

Res. Asst. Dr. Elif DEĞİRMENCİ (Website Coordinator)
- Research Interests: Information Security, Cyber Security, Machine Learning
- Academical Page: YÖK Academic Page
- Avesis: Avesis Academic Page
- Personal Webpage: -
- Phone: 6929
- Office: 317
- Detailed Information

Res. Asst. Özlem ÖRNEK
- Research Interests: -
- Academical Page: -
- Avesis: Avesis Academic Page
- Personal Webpage: -
- Phone: 6927
- Office: 315
- Detailed Information

Res. Asst. Merve CEYHAN (Website Coordinator)
- Research Interests: Artifical Intelligence, Deep Learning
- Academical Page: YÖK Akademik Sayfası
- Avesis: Avesis Academic Page
- Personal Webpage: -
- Phone: 6932
- Office: 327
- Detailed Information

Res. Asst. Baki Osman BEKGÖZ
- Research Interests: Deep Learning, Robotics and Automations
- Academical Page: YÖK Akademik Sayfası
- Avesis: Avesis Academic Page
- Personal Webpage: -
- Phone: 6937
- Office: 329
- Detailed Information

Res. Asst. Yunus Sabri KIRCA
- Research Interests: Information Security, Cyber Security, IoT Security
- Academical Page: YÖK Akademic Page
- Avesis: Avesis Academic Page
- Phone: -
- Office: -
- Detailed Information

Res. Asst. Halil İbrahim EMEK
- Research Interests: Heuristic Algorithms, Artifical Intelligence, Deep Learning, Computer Vision, Machine Learning
- Office: 318
- Detailed Information

Researcher Hüseyin OĞUZOĞLU
- Research Interests: Computer Programming
- Academical Page: -
- Personal Webpage: -
- Phone: 6939
- Office: B 410
- Detailed Information